MSQ Level 12 - Without a Doubt
To start, speak with Ahtbyrm at the Moraby Drydocks. X26.3 Y33.7 Z:0.1
26 Feb 2025 15:48
To start, speak with Ahtbyrm at the Moraby Drydocks. X26.3 Y33.7 Z:0.1
26 Feb 2025 15:22
To start, speak with Forgemaster H'naanza at the Armorer's Guild in Limsa Lominsa upper decks. X10.6 Y15.3
1 Nov 2024 13:06
Ostfyr hopes to assure the safety of wayfarers at the La Thagran Checkpoint by ridding the area of it's dangerous denizens.
1 Nov 2024 12:44
Bhirdraeg seeks to restore equilibrium by having the local fauna culled.
1 Nov 2024 12:30
Bhirdraeg's La Noscean oranges are ripe and ready for picking.
3 Oct 2024 18:01
To start, speak with Fraeloef. Swiftperch, Western La Noscea. X34.6 Y31.8. Mission Description: Fraeloef, a Yellowjacket on guard duty in Swiftperch, wants you to visit the Brewer's Beacon and investigate the reason behind the waning light. Rewards: exp 4000, gil 101, and the choice of either a Bronze Sallet, Amateurs Hempen Coif, or 2 Allagan Bronze Pieces. The Conversation Fraeloef: You there. Adventurer. Cast your eyes towards the Brewer's Beacon. Does the light not seem uncommonly weak? It cannot possibly be bright enough to guide the ships sailing into the bay. I would march over to the lighthouse and investigate myself, but I am duty bound to remain at my post. I would consider it a favor if you could make a visit to the Brewer's Beacon and see if aught has befallen Khanswys, the lighthouse keeper. Doing the Quest We need to find out what has happened to the lighthouse keeper. he could be dead! He could be drunk? He may even have fallen asleep at his post. But before we can determine the issue, we need to get there. So, step 1 is to make our way to the Brewer's Beacon. The easiest route is to head out of Swiftperch on to the main road, then follow it West taking the South Road when it splits. You are aiming for X:30.3 Y30.5. You should be able to see it the moment you turn West on the road. (Pictured below).
1 Aug 2024 13:07
To start, speak with Wyrkrhit, Middle La Noscea, Three Malm Bend, X 15.7 Y 16.4 Z0.1 Wyrkrhit, a Skylift operator, needs you to recover a cargo load abandoned by a terrified wagon driver and deliver it to its intended recipient. The Conversation Wyrkrhit: Glad I am to see you again, lass. A wagon driver just returned in a great bloody hurry, screamin' about some monstrosity what sprang out from a millioncorn seedling in his cargo. Seems the gutless bastard tossed it over the side afore turnin' tail an' runnin' for his life. I need ye to head down the road, recover that seedling, an' deliver it to Lyulf over at Swiftperch in Western La Noscea. Whatever he pays ye for the cargo is yers to keep. After all, I don't rightly know what else is lurkin; inside that plant, an' ye deserve to be rewarded for yer troubles. Oh, an' ye'll also find an aetheryte in Swiftperch, so the journey should be worth yer while. Doing the Quest Step 1. Recover the Millioncorn Seedling. To do this you will need to start by heading North to a point indicated on your map (X 15.0 Y 10.9 Z 0.2). Once you reach the area you will find some scattered debris with a shining purple cloud hovering over it. Interact with this cloud. Two shore slugs will appear. This is your chance to prove your worth and bravery by taking out two... slugs. Be warned, a jackal or two may be drawn to the fight if you move too much,forcing you to despatch them as well. This battle should not be too challenging, just be sure to dodge the aoe's if they overlap they can drain your health quickly. Once the battle is over you will automatically have the seedling. Time to deliver them. Step 2. Getting to Swiftperch. continue to follow the road North and it will take you into Western La Noscea. Follow the road down the hill towards the big blue aetheryte and you will find yourself in Swiftperch. Don't forget to attune to the Aetheryte if you haven't already done so on your exploration of the world. Completing the Quest Lyulf can be found tending a garden near a little hut. (X 34.4 Y 32.0 Z 0.5) Speak to him to complete the quest and he will have the following to say. Lyulf: Has Nymeia herself forsaken this desolate land? Though I understood there were risks in gambling my entire fortune on a crop of millioncorn, I at least expected the seedling to be delivered before disaster struck! This is your chance to hand over the seedling. When you do so he will stand up and turn his attention to you. Lyulf: Is... Is that my millioncorn seedlin?! O joyous day! It may seem a paltry beginning, but the yield of this particular variety of crop plant is nothing short of astonishing. As you have undoubtedly noticed, Swiftperch lacks a certain, shall we say, vital energy? Thus I mean to restore a modicum of hope to its residents by growing a veritable ocean of corn! You, madam, seem fit to burst with vim and vigor! Might I persuade you to abide a while and help nurture this ailing settlement? Choose a reward. Leather Jacket for Disciples of War level 10 gear. Amateur's Dalmatica for all classes level 10. Or 2 Allagan Bronze Pieces. You can continue to help Lyulf with the sidequest Need to Breed, but the main story continues a few steps away with Fraeloef and the MSQ Relighting the Torch.
10 Jul 2024 12:38
Hi-potions are in short supply at Tiller's Rest, and Khanmhar hopes to remedy that.
29 Jun 2024 12:43
Grynewda seeks courageous pioneers who can tame the wilderness of Summerford Farms.
28 May 2024 14:52
O'kalkaya has advice for any adventurers headed to the missing member.
26 May 2024 19:44
S'dhodjbi needs your help to prepare a treat for Baderon.
25 May 2024 21:29
Ancreta, Sentry at the Eyes, solicits assistance.