Ostfyr hopes to assure the safety of wayfarers at the La Thagran Checkpoint by ridding the area of it's dangerous denizens.
Quest Giver: Ostfyr.
Quest Level: 7.
Location: Zephyr Drift (x25.1 y27.2 z0.6)
Rewards: 560 exp, 128 gil.
Yarzon, Yarzoff Conversation
Ostfyr: More and more travelers pass through these gates bloodied and bruised each day.
They tell me the yarzons harry them at the Rogue. It pains me to do nothing but we need every man we have just to hold the garrison.
You would do us all a great service were you to thin the yarzon population for us. If you could clear out, say, three of their nests, we'd all be in your debt.
Doing the Quest.
Step one. Turn away from the gate. As enticing as it looks to head into the hole, the nests are behind us.
Nets one is among the rocks in the river at x21.1 Y22.6 Z0.4. Interact with the nest and fend off the two angry yarzon feeders that appear.
Nest two is easiest found by following the river East. Interact with the nest and you will have another two angry yarzons to fend off.
Nest three is further East in the river. This will spawn the same problem as the first two nests, no nasty surprises.
Completing the Quest.
Once you have finished kicking some yarzon butt it is time to head back to Ostfyr and assure him less people will be walking through the gates bloodied and bruised. He will have this to say as thanks:
Ostfyr: Ah, so you did for the vilekin? Every passer-through owes you a debt of gratitude.
La Thagran is a vital stronghold, one the Maelstrom would defend themselves, had they the means. The fleet is spread too thin, which is why the yellowjackets have been called in. But our numbers are hardly inexhaustible, and your help goes a long way towards preserving the peace.
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