MSQ Level 11 - On to the Drydocks

Published on 26 February 2025 at 15:22

To start, speak with Forgemaster H'naanza at the Armorer's Guild in Limsa Lominsa upper decks. X10.6 Y15.3

Mission Description: Forgemaster H'naanza, head of Naldiq & Vymelli's. wants you to assist with the workload over at Moraby Drydocks.

Rewards: exp 4000, gil 188. Option of: Leather Jackboots, Amateurs Duckbills or 2 Allagan Bronze Pieces.

The Conversation

H'naanza: What say you to taking on some work from Naldiq & Vymelli's? We've a great hulking warship to build and could certainly use an extra hand for any number of tasks.

For your first job, I need you to run this missive over to Ahtbyrm, the head shipwright at the Moraby Drydocks.

We forge most of the ship's bits and pieces here at the Armorer's Guild, but the actual construction takes place at the docks found in the south of lower La Noscea. That's also where you'll find the main offices of Naldiq & Vymelli's. The Moraby Drydocks is one of Limsa Lominsa's most important districts - at least as far as I'm concerned - and I'm sure you'll not regret attuning yourself to the area's aetheryte.

If you've no confidence in your sense of direction, you'd be best served making use of chocobo porters. First floor of the Mizzenmast, in case you were wondering.

Should you choose to make the trek on your own two feet, leave the city through the Tempest Gate and follow the road south. May the Navigator guide your steps.

Doing the Quest

This is a simple job but first we got to get there and H'nannza has taken the time to explain Chocobo porters to you. (pictured below) You'll find these throughout the game and expansions in various different styles and are perfect for sitting back and taking in the beautiful landscape while singing the famous words from FFXV. "I want to ride my chocobo all day!" Yes, your partner or over household members may start yelling at you to stop that infernal tune if you do it too often. speaking from experience.

If you chose to go by chocobo: Head North, cross the bridge, keep heading North, cross another bridge, use either the stairs or lift down when you reach the Drowning Wrench. Then take a few steps east until you see the cute couple in the picture below. take a moment to appreciate her kissing that cute chocobo on the feathery forehead then hire a lift to your destination. You must interact with these guys to unlock all their feathery taxi routes. Aetheryte is easier, but these are cuter.

If you decide to walk: You may consider the chocobo insulted and sulking. But each to their own. Here's your pathway: Go North across the bridge then head east to the nearest exit. the Tempest Gate. Follow the path until you reach the bridge, do not cross the bridge, turn onto the path that heads south and follow it. The path will take you over a well built bridge then to a crossroads where the option is through a gate or follow the path further. go through the gate. This is the Moraby Drydocks. 

Completing the Mission

However you get there, don't forget to attune with the aetheryte. You will find Ahtbyrm at X26.3 Y33.7 Z:0.1 he will have the following to say:

Ahtbyrm: You have a missive for me from Forgemaster H'nannza? I assume it pertains to the pending arrival of the materials I ordered over a moon past. Let's see it, then. 

Hand him the missive and you will get a cutscene.

Ahtbyrm: Blast and botheration! Another delay? I am well aware of the shortage of skilled artisans, but this is insufferable!

<sigh> My apologies. the messenger does not deserve to bear the brunt of my frustration. Might I have your name?

Melody, is it? (Yes your chosen name will appear here) Well, Melody, this proud maiden you see taking shape before you is the Victory, the first new vessel to grace the docks since the Calamity.

We may have lost the bulk of our ships that fateful day, but starting with this beauty, we will restore the Maelstrom's fleet to its former glory. The Victory is more then a simple warship - it is the symbol of Limsa Lominsa's rebirth from the wreckage wrought by the coming of the Sevent Umbral Era. Thus we are striving to complete her construction as swiftly as possible, even going so far as to hire veteran shipwrights from outside the thalassocracy. Yet even with such unprecedented measures, there are never enough hands to handle the abundance of tasks. Should you choose to linger at the docks for a time, there is no end of odd jobs for a hardworking adventurer. Be you fair warned - there is no place here for layabouts and troublemakers.

he next MSQ is available from Ahtbyrm with the quest entitled Without a Doubt.

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