To start, speak with Ahtbyrm at the Moraby Drydocks. X26.3 Y33.7 Z:0.1
Mission Description: Ahtbyrm is looking for a member of his crew and the items he was supposed to deliver.
Rewards: exp 4620 gil 196. Optional: hempen Bracers. hempen Dress Gloves, or Allagan bronze piece x2.
The Conversation
Ahtbyrm: Where in the seven hells is that man?! Not once in twelve moons has he been late with a shipment, and now two whole turns of the sun without a single word.
A shipwright of mine - a young man named Fyrilsmyd - recenltly left Candlekeep Quay to retrieve severl crates of supplies ordered from Limsa Lominsa... hut has yet to return. I have sent several missives to Haldbroda, but his replies are always the same. He does not recall ever seeing the wright, nor the supplies he was scheduled to collect. That man knows something and I severely doubt he is telling me the whole truth.
As I cannot leave my post, I would ask you to travel to Candlekeep Quay in my stead and inform Haldbroda that if he insists on playing these games, I will personally see that he is transfered to Turtleback Island, where he can rot alone in the middle of the sea for eternity.
Doing the Quest
Once again, our first job is to get there. First, head South West to locate an exit from the Drydocks., Head west following the path under a stone archway and into a small outpost. You will find the man you seek standng outside a building inside the outpost at X20.8 Y38.6 Z0.0.
Completing the Mission
With your attention on Haldbroda, use the emote doubt or type /doubt into the hotbar to question him. He will say the following:
Haldbroda: Turtleback Island!? He cannot do that... can he?
I swear on my poor nana's grave, Navigator rest her soul, I know naught of the Fyrilsmyd, nor his precious supplies. Hells, we here at the Quay have had enough trouble these past few suns, what with the sinking of that Lominsan Cargo ship off the Salt Strand. I haven't the time to take a proper piss, let alone make note of every scrag that wanders in off the Grip.
Your next Main mission is available form Haldbroda under the name Righting the Shipwright.
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