The Hunting Logs.
No matter what journey you decide to embark on as relates to your class, you will receive a hunting log. This log will provide you with a list of creatures to hunt down. Hunting these down will increase your experience in your given class.
For your first class, it may just be something to complete for the fun of it as your main quests will give you ample experience. However, when you pick up other classes, if you do not have class quests to level up and do not fancy levelling through sidequests or duty dungeons, this is another approach you can take.
In this section you (eventually) find a list of locations and images for all hunting logs.
As the website is still in its infancy, if you are here searching for the hunting log for a particular class, comment below and I will bump it up my to do list. As you can imagine, there is a lot to cover on this website right now.
If you would like to get involved in the fleshing out of this website, you can comment that below too, we welcome all who want to lend a hand, even if that just be pictures of your character doing fun stuff in the realm of ffxiv.
Hunting Log Arcanist Level 1
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