Bhirdraeg seeks to restore equilibrium by having the local fauna culled.
Quest Giver: Bhirdraeg.
Quest Level: 7.
Location: Summerford Farms X 24.4 Y 16.8 Z 1.1
Rewards: 560 exp, 3 x potion, 3 x ether.
Orange Crush Conversation
Bhirdraeg: La Noscean orange nectar is sweet, but rest assured it's paid for in sweat.
We have to pollinate each orange by hand because of the blasted puks that prey on the nearby bees.
If we couls only eradicate some five puk hatchlings, it would save us from having to do nature's work.
Doing the Quest.
Time to kill some puks. Head out of the farm and follow the road down to your left. On the left of that road you will see a collective of puk hatchlings. (Roughly x23.5 Y19.2 Z0.6). You should have no trouble dispatching five of them back into the aether, be aware that some of them have cords so attacking one will lead to 2 coming at you, watch out for the aoes. Interestingly, I did wind up taking out some bees that came to a puks aid.
Completing the Quest.
Once the deed is done, return up the hill and report back to Bhirdraeg. He will have this to say:
Bhirdraeg: The buzz on the wind tells me you've done the deed.
The only pests plaguin' my orchard are those woeful whelps-out-of-water.
If only you could rid me of parasitic pirates as you did the pesky puks!
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