To start, speak with Fraeloef. Swiftperch, Western La Noscea. X34.6 Y31.8.
Mission Description: Fraeloef, a Yellowjacket on guard duty in Swiftperch, wants you to visit the Brewer's Beacon and investigate the reason behind the waning light.
Rewards: exp 4000, gil 101, and the choice of either a Bronze Sallet, Amateurs Hempen Coif, or 2 Allagan Bronze Pieces.
The Conversation
Fraeloef: You there. Adventurer. Cast your eyes towards the Brewer's Beacon. Does the light not seem uncommonly weak?
It cannot possibly be bright enough to guide the ships sailing into the bay. I would march over to the lighthouse and investigate myself, but I am duty bound to remain at my post.
I would consider it a favor if you could make a visit to the Brewer's Beacon and see if aught has befallen Khanswys, the lighthouse keeper.
Doing the Quest
We need to find out what has happened to the lighthouse keeper. he could be dead! He could be drunk? He may even have fallen asleep at his post. But before we can determine the issue, we need to get there. So, step 1 is to make our way to the Brewer's Beacon.
The easiest route is to head out of Swiftperch on to the main road, then follow it West taking the South Road when it splits. You are aiming for X:30.3 Y30.5. You should be able to see it the moment you turn West on the road. (Pictured below).
The Brewer's Beacon
Once you have reached your destination you will find this Khanswys, who turns out to be a rather dashing female, standing outside the lighthouse. Once asked she will explain her predicament.
Khanswys: Ye say a Yellowjacket sent ye here? Eh? Me light's grown dim, has it? Well, o' course it bloody has!
The bomb what fuels me furnace has up an' buggered off, ye see. If I don't get that beacon fixed up soon, they'll be trouble on the water...
I know yer just the messenger, lass, but I can tell a 'venturer when I see one. I'm going to need ye to chase down that bomb an' bring back a claw what ye ripped from it's smolderin' corpse.
Take this here iron brazier an' set her down in the middle o' the Flock - somewhere near the scarecrow, I'd say. Ye get a nice fire goin', an' that frisky bomb'll soon be about. Watch ye don't singe yer eyebrows, lass.
So now we're part of the bomb disposal squad. Head back up the path and onto a hill full of dodos. The scarecrow and point you want to be aiming at is at X33.5 Y28.7 and should be easy to find. Interact with the sparkly and you'll be prompted to place the iron brazier down. Interact with the iron brazier and an orange bomb will show up. Think of it as a fat and not so polite Calcifer from Howl's castle and kick his ass, just avoid the large aoe, at low levels this can take a chunk of your hp.
Once you have dispatched your bomb make your way back to Khanswys to deliver the claw she requested.
Reporting Back
Hand in the claw to Khanswys back at the lighthouse. She will have this to say:
Khanswys: All ye need do is take down that runaway bomb an' bring me one of its little claws. (You'll be prompted here to hand over a claw.) Ah, ye got the ashy bastard, did ye? Once I put this little firecracker in the furnace, that should keep things runnin' for a while.
I had meself a bit of a look while ye was gone, an Llymlaen curse me if the furnace weren't all bent an' broken. Small wonder the bloody bomb was able to escape.
I patched things up as best I could, but I ain't no smitty. Ye might want to have a chat with that Yellowjacket friend o' yers in Swiftperch, an' have him pass the word back to someone in Limsa.
Head back to where we started. Follow the path North then East down to Swiftperch and talk with Fraeloef once more. He will have this to say.
Fraeloef: The Furnace is damaged, is it? Very well, I shall write up the relevant reports, but these repairs must needs be effected without delay.
It seems I have another favor to ask of you, adventurer. Take yourself straight away to the Armorer's Guild in Limsa Lominsa and explain the situation to Forgemaster H'naanza.
Completing the Mission
Back to Limsa Lominsa. Depending what you've been doing out in the wild it may seem like a while since you've returned home. Off course, the easiest route is by Aetheryte and if you have it set to your home point the return button is quickest. However you get back there the directions to the Armorer's Guild starts from the Aetheryte plaza.
First, head up the Nrothern staircase of the Aetheryte plaza. From there up a small staircase and across the bridge to your right before heading south through the Drowning Wrench and the Aftcastle, right over a bridge, down a left hand slope, H'naanza is outside the armorers guild. Speak to her and she will have this to say:
Hnaanza: The furnace in the Brewer's Beacon needs repairs? Byregot's beard, I just sent someone out to tinker with it not a week past. Mayhap the bomb Khnaswys had trapped in there was a touch too volatile...?
I'll hvae an artisan visit the lighthouse and pay special attention to reinforcing the casting of that furnace. Your work is done here, adventurer. May the Navigator guide you on your journeys.
The next MSQ is available from H'naanza with the quest entitled On to the Drydocks.
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