Ancreta, Sentry at the Eyes, solicits assistance.
Quest Giver: Ancreta.
Quest Level: 5.
Location: The Eyes X26.9 Y22.1 Z0.4 Lower La Noscea.
Rewards: 350 exp, 128 gil.
Cry Me a Liver Conversation
Ancreta: Me grandda's head of the Red Rooster Stead. Anaoc's his name. He asked me to bring him some rivertoad livers, but the mere thought of pullin' slimy livers out of slimy frogs gives me the shivers. Maybe ye'd care to fetch a liver or three for me? Ye can get 'em by slayin' the rivertoads what dwell round the Eyes.
Doing the Quest.
Turn around and look back towards the bridge and you will find rivertoads in that there river. If you time it with a FATE that appears next to madman bridge you will have no shortage of rivertoads. Kill them until you have three rivertoad livers in your inventory then return to Ancreta who will have the following to say.
Ancreta: Yer a lifesaver, 'venturer! Now, I'd take the livers to grandda meself, but I can't just up an' leave me post. Not to mention the mere sight of those slimy things makes me stomach churn. would ye mind doin' the deliverin' in me stead? find ol' Anoac at the red Rooster Stead., and ye can turn those rivertoad livers to gil.
Completing the Quest.
Head past Ancreta North and up the hill to Red Rooster Stead. You will find ol' Anaoc outside a White building (pictured above). he will have this to say.
Anaoc: I swear, this is the last time I send that granddaughter of mine to fetch rivertoad livers!
Hand him the rivertoad livers, and he will continue in a much nicer tone.
Anaoc: Why, these are the livers I asked for! <sigh> I should've known better. Ancreta has been dainty since she was a wee lass. I regret any trouble we've caused you. I heard that the New Worlders use fish livers as fertilizer, and so I thought I would give toad livers a try. A farmer can't be afraid to try new things. Nay, he must grow his knowledge as he grows his crops. That's how this farm grew to be what it is. You'd do well to stick around and see.
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