S'dhodjbi needs your help to prepare a treat for Baderon.
Quest Giver: S'dhodjbi.
Quest Level: 4.
Location:Drowning Wrench X 11.1 Y 11.0, Limsa Lominsa.
Rewards: 260 exp, 11 fire shards, Hempen Tabard or Hempen Halfrobe or Allagan Bronze Piece
Glory Days Conversation
S'dhodjbi: These days, poor Baderon's so busy looking after others, he hasn't been able to look after himself. He deserves something for his efforts. Whenever he's in his cups, he starts speaking of the old days, he never fails to mention aureliae. Seems he and his mates used to eat the creatures on occasion. It's obvious he still has fond memories of that life, so I'm thinking a few aureliae umbrellas might be something he'd appreciate. could you help me by procuring four of them? If you're willing to help, speak with Klindrael, by the aftcastle. She knows where various wild beasts congregate.
Doing the Quest.
We need to kill four aureliae after speaking to Klindrael.
First up, finding Klindrael. Head south past the aftcastle and you will find her by the Tempest Gate. She will have this to say.
Klindrael: Baderon actually likes aureliae umbrellas!? Gods, I'd never even considered trying to eat one of those foul things! Nethertheless, if it's aureliae you seek, you aught to find plenty by the river just past the Tempest Gate and to the East.
Go through the Tempest Gate and follow the main path down to Madman Bridge. Just across the Bridge you will see plenty of aureliae, they look like floating jellyfish (pictured above). Kill four.
Completing the Quest.
Return to the Drowning Wrench where you started and speak to Baderon to deliver the goods.
Baderon: S'dhodjbi said an adventurer might be droppin' by to deliver somethin' special. That you. lass?
Deliver unto him the extra special produce that you risked life and limb to retrieve.
Baderon: Ah, 'ells. lass, ye didn't 'ave to go to all this trouble! Ahahahaha! This gods-damned smell! I've 'ated Aureliae umbrellas since I was a sellsword. 'Tis only the nastiest shite I ever put in me mouth! We tried sprinklin' it with salt an' cookin' it o'er a campfire, but t'was still little better then chewin' on driftwood. Try it fer yerself, lass - ye'll see what I mean!
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