O'kalkaya has advice for any adventurers headed to the missing member.
Quest Giver: O'kalkaya.
Quest Level: 4.
Location: X 412.1 Y 13.9, Limsa Lominsa.
Rewards: 130 exp, 122 gil.
Soothing the Savage Siren Conversation
O'kakaya: If yer lookin' fer a place to wet yer whistle, scrag, I'd advise ye to turn tail an' run.
Cap'n Rhoswen's in no mood to be entertainin' customers this morn', an' even when she is, she ain't particularly good at it. Though ... maybe dealin' with customer's the sort o' shite what might shake 'er from 'er doldrums.
But if ye mean to venture inside the Missin' Member, ye best remember to pay yer proper respects to the Cap'n - 'less ye ain't afraid o' goin' missin'. Kneelin' afore 'er would be a good start.
Doing the Quest
This is basically a using your emotes quest. Now, you'd be forgiven for believing emotes to be a thing you only need when playing with your friends online, however, in FFXIV, this is simply not the case. Yes, you use them most often when role-playing and having fun with your friends, but occasionally you need to use them to interact with the people in the world around you. Kneeling, saluting, beckoning, and dancing are just a few of the requirements throughout the story. Best you get the hang of them now, eh.
Quick tip, if you are playing on joypad, like my good self, you can open up your emote box and set the ones you are most likely to use to your hotbar with the X button. Simply hover over the emote you want, in this particular case that would be kneel, hold x, click add to hotbar, then choose the button on the hotbar you would like it to sit at. For example, Left trigger and A.
Once you have that set, head on into the Missin' Member (to the West of your current location) and find the Cap'n (pictured above) then kneel.
Rhoswen: Oho, so she knows 'er place! Good!
If only the Krakens 'ad the same sense o' propriety! Bastards keep seizin' every Garlean ship before we can take a crack at 'em! 'Tis a sorry state of affairs when yer crew's reduced to preyin' on the leavin's o' that mangy bunch o' man-boys. Me younger self would be right disappointed to see 'ow far we've fallen.
Notice how Disappointed was in bold and yellow during the conversation. Now you must find the emote that correlates with the old Cap's disappointment and show her that you share her feelings. In the emote list it is simply called disappointed.
Rhoswen: Hmph, so ye do know somethin' o' me pain. But yer sympathy ain't worth more'n a pint of piss.
It's well an' good we got the Admiral's permission to capture Garlean ship, but what's the use if ye keep on gettin' beat to yer prey!?
We built our reputation ravin' right off the coasts o' Vylbrand, not sailin' a dozen malms into the bleedin' sea. the few imperial dogs found in Lominsian territory get snatched by Krakens 'unting in open waters.
I rallied my crew's spirits when I said we were revivin' the old ways, but after all our struggles, they seem resigned to lettin' those bastards 'ave all the fun...
Oh dear, it seems Rhoswen needs some Rallying herself. Rally is the emote title you need for this one.
Rhoswen: huh? Ye tryin' to make light o' me dilemma? Don't push yer luck, scrag, or I'll gut ye with a hook, like a regular pirate!
Wait-that's it! We're pirates, godsdammit, so we should think like pirates! Bugger keepin' Lominsian waters safe - we'll raid supply shipments to the Garlean outposts along the coasts of Aldernard!
Ahahaha! It's so bleedin' simple, I don't know why I didn't think o' this afore! Thank ye for yer unintended inspiration, scrag. to think I almost 'ad ye fed to the sharks!
Completing the Quest
Return outside to O'kalkaya to complete the quest and she'll have this to say to you.
O'kalkaya: I agther yer meetin' with the Cap'n went well? I could 'ear 'er cacklin' all the way out 'ere.
Well, whatever ye did, thank ye for doin' it. Last thing we needed was 'er goin' on another rampage, ruinin' deckswabs an' leavin' us with less meat. Tain't easy playin' by the Admiral's rules, but if anyone can find a way, Cap'n Rhoswen can!
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