Hi-potions are in short supply at Tiller's Rest, and Khanmhar hopes to remedy that.
Quest Giver: Khanmhar.
Quest Level: 8.
Location: Summerford Farms X 24.8 Y 17.1 Z 0.9
Rewards: 340 exp, 128 gil.
A Pound of Cure Conversation
Khanmhar: If you're headed to Tiller's Rest, I've a favor to ask of you.
The pirates have been away from sea for too long, and their broken hearts turn to bloodshed for solace. A full supply of medicine lasts barely a week. If you could buy a hi-potion and take it up to Wydaloef, you may well save some lives.
Doing the Quest.
Chances are you already have a hi-potion in your inventory. In which case you can skip straight to step two. If you need a hi-potion, however, start with step 1.
Step 1. Buying a hi-potion.
There is a Merchant and Mender close by selling Hi-potions for 146 gil apiece. (Pictured above) He appears on the map as a hammer icon in Summerford Farms. Co-ordinates are X 25.4 Y17.3 Z 0.9. Once you have procured a hi-potion move to step 2.
But what if you have no money and no hi-potion?
Doing quests can rack up gil.
There's a chance you have little sacks in your inventory (silver pieces, bronze pieces, allagan pieces) they can all be sold for gil. Or you may have items from killing creatures (blood, skins, hides, etc) which you can sell for gil. That is to say, it shouldn't take you long to rack up that much gil.
Step 2. Head West(ish) to get to Tiller's Rest and find Wydaloef. Easy way across the river is the nearby bridge.
Completing the Quest.
You will find Wydaloef near the fence on the outskirts of Tiller's Rest. X 21.5 Y 15.6 Z 0.5. Talk to him to complete the quest. He will say the following.
Wydaloef: I'm plumb out of potions. Any sorry sufferer knockin' on my door may as well be knockin' on Thal's. All's I can offer 'em is a prayer.
At this point you will be prompted to hand over the potion. Just drag from your inventory into the allocated spot and confirm then he will say the following.
Wydaloef: Were I a gods-fearin' man, I'd say you were heaven-sent. After the dust settles from the next pirate brawl, some sorry soul will owe you his lousy life. I pity the poor fish out of water. At first, I thought the fights were just to kill time, but now I believe some truly have a death wish.
There's naught that can be done about that. We can't make 'em want to live, all's we can do is hope they learn to love the land.
Give yourself a pat on the back. Another mission accomplished. Another sorry ass saved.
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