This is the third main quest for the Arcanist Guild.
Picking up the Quest
To begin it, speak with the Guild Mistress, Thubyrgeim, back in the Arcanists Guild. (X 4.6 Y 11.4)
Thubyrgeim: Yes, Melody, the time for your next lesson is upon us. You are keeping well, I trust? Taking the occassional brisk walk? One cannot form sound thoughts if one fails to maintain a sound body.
Now, assuming you have been following K'lyhia's instructions, you should be ready to face the more dangerous threats found in Western La Noscea.
I speak of Roselings and Wild Jackals. And yes, I would have you vanquish three of each. 'Tis the perfect sample size: the first acts as a preliminary test case, the second to test your hypothesis, the third to perfect the tactics you've devised. Speaking of which, I trust your strategy will consist of more than simply flinging ruin over and over again. You are not the novice you once were, and your skills in the filed ought to reflect that. If you find yourself wanting for other approaches, consider an assault with ruin in tandem with attacks from your carbuncle. When timed appropriately, you can deal a crippling blow to your opponent.
Go to Western La Noscea
As far as the game is concerned, we haven't attuned to anything in Western La Noscea yet, however, you may have visited it. The easiest and cheapest way to Western La Noscea from the arcanists guild is to use the aetheryte outside and teleport to the Zephyr Gate (Middle La Noscea). Alternatively, you can teleport to Summerford Farms and walk from there.
Once in Middle La Noscea follow the main path North West. Go through Summerford, over a bridge, and down The Descent. Continue to follow the path through the three malm bend - watch out for the Wespes - anc continue North - northwest. You will find Jackals in the area and slaying them here is just as well as slaying them in western la noscea.
Continue past the jackals and you will reach western la noscea.
We recommend attuning to the aetheryte in the area before continuing with your mission. You will find the main aetheryte at the bottom of the hill, just past the Roselings.
Both parties can be found in the area surrounding Swiftperch. X 35.1 Y 29.9

The Roselings are easy to beat. They will attack form a distance by throwing seeds at you. Simply attack them one at a time and deal with each one in turn.

Watch out for the jackals main attack, try not to stand in the yellow aoe on the floor. It won't kill you - unless a couple have a go at the same time - but it will hurt.
Speaking to the Guildmaster
Once you have killed three of each, use return to quickly get back to Limsa Lominsa and speak with the acting Guildmaster once more. She will have this to say.
Thubyrgeim: Welcome back, Melody. How did it feel to conquer such ferocious foes? Let us ride that wave of triumph onto an even more demanding - and dangerous - challenge. Your next training exercise will have you accompanying Foreseer K'lyhia on one of her inspections.
This experience will afford you the opportunity to witness first-hand the practical application of arcanima. Pray do not tarry, Melody - K'lyhia awaits you on the floor below with further details.
If you are anything like me, you may have discovered the floor below already... many times... each time you took a left turn to early when trying to leave the guild. Well now, you actually need to head down there.
You will find K'lyhia in the ring with her book out.
K'lyhia: A timely appearance, as I expected. Shall we proceed directly to the job at hand? I have been tasked with examining the wares of a goblin peddler caravan run by the Boilstox family. Our agents suspect these beastmen merchants of dealing in forbidden goods. As such, I have calculated that announcing an inspection has a 60% chance of inviting physical violence.
I have prepared a strategy to respond to this possible shift in hostilities, but there is an important precondition you should be made aware of before we discuss the finer points of my plan.
Though I am considered gifted in the formation of tactics, I lack the reflexes and coordination necessary to employ many of those self same strategies on the field of battle. Pray, keep this facet in mind and adjust your perceptions accordingly.
Now, should the goblins offer battle, you are to execute combat pattern 1345, otherwise known as stratagem focus fire.
You and your carbuncle will concentrate your attacks on a single foe and, one by one, the enemy will wither under the combined onslaught. Probability of victory 95%.
Reports place the peddlers in the vicinity of the cookpot, in Middle La Noscea. I will depart immediately to assess the situation. Seek me out once you arrive.

The Goblin Peddlers
Again, by using the aetheryte outside the guild to teleport to Middle La Noscea you can make a quick and cheap start to the journey. Follow the West path across a bridge then head due North. Cross the next bridge then head North to North East. When you reach X19.4 Y16.5 you will be greeted with the above scene.
This is the start of an instance.
Now, if you have been following the main story this will not be the first instance you come across. However, if you have not been following the main story there are some points to keep in mind:
- You must be a high enough level to enter an instance or you will not get in.
- If you are too high a level your level will be synced (brought down so that you are not overpowered).
- If you are in a party, you will not get in. Leave all parties to do instances.
- If you fail an instance you will have to start it again from the beginning (the moment you first interacted with the shiny).
Entering the instance will trigger the following cutscene.
K'lyhia: I am foreseer K'lyhia of Maelvaan's Gate. You are to cease all transactions and surrender your goods for inspection.
Boilstox: Nasty sneakypeekers! Gobbies spit uplander noseyeyes on stabbyiron!
K'lyhia: A predictably aggressive response. Very well, Melody. Remember what we discussed!
To accomplish the instance you must do as previously discussed with K'lyhia. That is, focus on one Gobbie at a time. After taking out the first three K'lyhia will yell about taking evasive manoeuvres. Back up will then arrive for the Gobbies and start throwing bombs at you. Avoid the yellow Aoes on the ground as much as possible and kick some Gobbie butt.
Once you have come out of the instance, you need to speak to K'lyhia to continue the quest.
K'lyhia: Nicely done. Adaptation, improvisation - I might have been observing our beloved guildmaster himself in action! This was the perfect example of how the strategy for a given task should be tailored to the abilities of the assessor.
In other words, before you begin formulating your tactics, it is necessary to fully understand your own strengths and weaknesses. On that note, there is another question I would ask you: When it comes to improving the probably success of a strategy, do you consider it more effective to concentrate on playing to your strengths, or shoring up your weaknesses.
Enhancing my strengths. (You can pick shoring up weaknesses)
K'lyhia: Oho, again you respond as the guildmaster once did. I must revise the probability for your potential to attain greatness to...97%. You are one to keep an eye on, that much is certain.
But to return to the subject of battle plans, your calculations must include an accurate assessment of your available techniques and your relative effectiveness. This requires you to be critically aware of your own limits, the limits of your allies, and the characteristics of your enemies.
I believe that covers everything for today. Please return to the guild and make your report to mistress Thubyrgeim. Until next we meet. I shall abide here until the yellowjackets arrive to take the peddlers into custody. My strategies will keep me company.
Use return to get back to the guild quickly.

Completing the Quest
You will find Mistress Thubyrgeim in her usual spot inside Maelvaan's Gate.
Thubyrgeim: Back from the field, Melody? K'lyhia contacted me with a summary of events. It seems you were treated to a lecture on knowing thyself. That particular lesson is ordinarily taught only to intermediate practitioners. Without a sufficient store of combat experience from which to draw , it is difficult to fully appreciate the profundity of such a seemingly simple truth.
Nether-the-less, I feel confidant that you will soon be ready for a more ambitious assignment. Keep to your studies and maintain the razor edge of your mind.
One last thing, Melody. Considering the dedication you have shown towards our discipline, I have decided to permit you leave to explore the teachings offered by other guilds. I would suggest, however, that you first master the science of arcanima. The strategic training you receive here will serve you well no matter the path you eventually choose to walk. Return to me when your reason tells you the time is right.
You now have access to other guilds and guild quests. You can continue down this path or pick up other classes that you may wish to try out. Not all classes are fighting classes, here in Limsa you have access to:
- Culinarian's Guild (Crafter)
- Armorer's Guild (Crafter)
- Blacksmith's Guild (Crafter)
- Fisherman's Guild (Gatherer)
- Rogue Guild (DPS)
- Marauder's Guild (Tank)
Continue the Arcanist questline when you reach Level 15 - Topaz Teachings
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