This is the first part of the fourth main quest for the Arcanist Guild.
The Quest
This quest is all talking. However, there is more then 1 level 15 quest for the arcanist. Following this section of conversation a new quest will instantly become available. This new quest is the real level 15 quest. Find a link at the bottom of this page.
To begin it, speak with the Guild Mistress, Thubyrgeim, back in the Arcanists Guild. (X 4.6 Y 11.4)
Thubyrgeim: You seem tired, Melody. Are you sleeping properly? One's reasoning may suffer without sufficient rest and recuperation. Should you deem yourself fit for duty, pray make your way down to the practice floor. Foreseer K'lyhia has requested you accompany her on another official inspection.
There is, however, a requirement for your participation. The foreseer will explain the situation.
Turn around and take the winding staircase to the lower levels and speak with K'lyhia to continue the quest.
K'lyhia: I was beginning to think I'd miscalculated, Melody. Thank you for coming. I will soon be boarding a trading vessel suspected of smuggling. All merchant ships that make use of Limsa Lominsa's ports are subject to inspections by Mealvaan's Gate Assessors - it is a routine I perform daily.
In the case of smugglers, however, there is a 77% probability of encountering...resistance. Thus, I would appreciate your company during this assignment.
It is now that we must discuss the requirement of which you were informed: though I have full confidence in your marshall expertise, it is imperitive that you first axquire the ability to summon Topaz Carbuncle. Such knowledge will be released to you contingent on your acceptance of this duty.
A box will appear with the question Do you accept this duty? Clicking No will require you to redo the previous conversation. You can go no further without accepting the duty. Clicking Yes will continue the conversation.
K'lyhia: Very good. The arcane entity given form by the topaz geometry will further expand you offensive capabilities. With such an ally at your command, even the harshest of enemies will falter before you. Indeed, we could not conduct these dangerous spot inspections without its support.
Please return to mistress Thubyrgeim and inform her of your participation. I will join you once I have completed some final adjustments to my tactical formulae.
Head back up the long winding staircase and continue the quest by speaking to mistress Thubyrgeim.
Thubyrgeim: You have agreed to accompany the foreseer? Then I shall gladly instruct you in the use of Topaz Carbuncle. Pray do not hesitate to employ this entity in combat should the inspection turn sour.
To continue this quest you need to start a new quest. Level 15: Over the Rails
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