To start. Speak with Staelwyrn at the top of the hill in Summerford Farms. (Middle La Noscea X 25.5 Y 17.0)
The Conversation
Staelwyrn: That sea sloth Sevrin and his lot - Never around when there's work to be done! I'd sooner hire you for the sake of gettin' things done, but then the rapscallions would never learn. Round them up and let them know that Staelwyrn would like a word... And don't take "no" for an answer!
Hunt Down the Rapscallions
You have five groups of slackers to round up.
- The first can be found at the bottom of the hill but within the walls of the summerford farms. X 25.3 Y 15.9
- Wauter: Work? Ha! Can't work when me hands are full liftin' this mug. Ye know, I'd wager me last gil ye'd never guess what I'm drinkin'. swill water, swill wine. (I go for swill wine) Well, yer right about the swill part. I rekon it might be worth a day o' doin' Staelwyrn's chores if it'll afford me a taste o' proper grog!
- The second can be found just outside the gates on the left. X 24.8 Y 17.6
- Sozai Rarzai: <groan> How am I supposed to work on an empty stomach? Go on, have a guess at what I had for breakfast. Breaded sticks or ash tuna. (I go for ash tuna) Wha - God's how did you know?!It's my breath, ain't it? It probably smells as wooden as the food tasted... But I know why you're here. <I'd just as soon get some real food in me, but I ain't one to reject a summons from the cap'n.
- For the third you want to head down the hill into the farms. Sevrin can be found X 22.1 Y 18.4.
- Sevrin: Aye, I'm Sevrin. You the old man's errand girl, now? Tell my dear old captain not to wet his britches. I'll be along. Oh, and jus' so we're clear - I don't care for landlubbers. Go find the chocobo you rode in on, and ride on out.
- The fourth is Aylmer and he can be found on the other side of the river. X 21.7 Y16.1
- Aylmer: So, Staelwyrn sent you. And what do you reckon I say to that? Work is for the weak and witless or I've saucier seeds to sow. (Naturally I've gone for the saucier seeds). Damn right! Didn't get where I am by takin' guff from any glorified gardeners! ...But I s'pose I could see what he wants to get him off my back.
- The fifth and final one is at the top of the river on a hill that serves as a bridge from one side of the river to the other, the point where the river goes into a tunnel system. X 23.3 Y 16.3.
- Eyrimhus: Axes were made for splittin' skulls, not stumps! You know what I did in my sailin' days? Skirmishing or wonton slaughter. I use skirmishing. You bet your bosom I did, lass! Aye, those were the days... <sigh> I reckon now I'll have to be satisfied takin' my axe to the trees.
Completing the Quest
Return to Staelwyrn to complete the quest. He is in his usual spot on top of the hill. (Middle La Noscea X 25.5 Y 17.0)
Staelwyrn: You continue to impress, lass. All but Sevrin are accounted for. It's no fault of yours he squirmed out. I've let that worm wriggle through my fingers more times than I can count. But rest assured, the next time I see him, I'll put him squarely in the dirt, where all such worms belong.
The next MSQ quest is Level 8 Double Dealing.
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