To start. Speak with Staelwyrn at the top of the hill in Summerford Farms. (Middle La Noscea X 25.5 Y 17.0)
The Conversation
Staelwyrn: Pains me to say, but all the gil in the world can't buy loyalty. There are some, like you, who can be trusted. But then there are others. Until now, I've had no choice but to rely on the charlatan Sevrin, even though I am full aware he's been doin' shady deals behind my back. More than once I've heard tell of improper tradin' with goblins. I wouldn't be the least surprised if it were happenin' right now.
Not a bell ago a sack of oranges vanished, as did Sevrin. I want you to find and confront the bastard for me, Ozara. I'm sure there's wrong doin' afoot, so be sure to doubt anythin' that comes out of his mouth.
Emote Doubt
Notice how the doubt is in bold? In the game, it was probably lit up in bright orange to draw your attention. This is a sign that you will need to use your emotes to complete this mission. So, before we head anywhere, you need to prepare this.
You will find your emote selection in the character folder actions and traits. If you are using joypad find this through the start button. This is the Esc key on the keyboard if you are using keyboard and mouse. Under Main Commands there will be an icon with two smiley faces. This is the social button. Under social you will see the figure of a man shrugging his shoulders. This is the Emote selection. Inside the selection, you will find doubt in you emote collection.
Add doubt to your hot bar. On joypad press X, add to hot bar, and then assign a slot. With keyboard and mouse you can drag it in to place by clicking and dragging with your cursor.
You are now ready to confront Sevrin.

Doing the Quest
Go down the hill and follow the path west, over the bridge. Stay on the path and you will see Sevrin at the crossroads ahead.
If you speak to him you get this line:
Sevrin: Bloody hells! I'm up the strait without a paddle!
To get anything else out of him you need to click on him and cast doubt.
Sevrin: What's this now? Staelwyrn sent you for the oranges? Huh... So the old bugger had known all this time... Argh, what does it matter anyway?
Listen, you're one o' those goody goody adventurer types, right? Go rescue me mates from those double dealin' goblins! They're just over yonder by the bonfire.
Turn away from Sevrin and you will see three of his downed mates inside a purple circle.
Go kick some goblin butt.
The moment you enter the circle two of the fiends will appear. Dodge the AOEs (they throw bombs) and knock them senseless. It won't take much to do.
Once you have dealt with them, speak to the three pirates.
Eyrimhus: Sevrin sent you? Hah! The way he flew out of here I was sure he'd sold us down the river!
Sozai: If you hadn't have come, my dodo would have been cooked... Mmm cooked dodo.
Aylmer: I owe you one. Would've gotten away meself if not fer Sevrin shovin' me aside.'
They will each run away in turn after you have aided them.
Return to the crossroads and speak with Sevrin once more.
Sevrin: You saved me mates, and for that, I owe you. S'pose I should be ashamed I couldn't clean up me own mess...
...But a pirate knows no shame! I've no qualms about goin' back on my word! I'm only givin' you this sack 'cause I like the cut of your jib. Take it to Ossine, and send him my regards.
Interact with the sack of oranges to pick it up.
You need to deliver the sack to Ossine at the La Thagran checkpoint.
Head South towards the large gate and you will find Ossine standing besides some boxes.
Ossine: What have we here? A delivery from Summerford Farms, and as scheduled? Hah! There's a first time for everything!
Hand over the sack of oranges.
Ossine: Well, look at that... Not a single one missing, either! About the only things not here are those bagmen, and I don't miss them one bit. Here's Staelwyrns payment in full. With you, I can trust it will reach him.
Completing the Quest
Head back to Summerford farms and speak to Staelwyrn to hand in the quest.
Staelwyrn: Back in one piece! That's a relief. How did you fare, Ozara?
Hand over the gil. Don't try to keep any now.
Staelwyrn: Ah, this is what I was aimin' for! Looks to be all I was owed, all right. Tough, I'd be tellin' ya false if I claimed I had no held out more hope for Sevrin. I was even willin' to overlook the skimmin' off the top, but to sell us all short in favor of those godforsaken goblins... <sigh>
You'd do well to mind yourself around that two-gil cheat. If he'd leave his own mates for dead, there's no tellin' what he'd do to you.
Your next quest does not come from Staelwyrn. Stood opposite him is Gurcant. You will have to speak to him and take the level 9 quest Loam Maintenance to continue.
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