To start. Speak with Gurcant at the top of the hill in Summerford Farms. (Middle La Noscea X 25.5 Y 17.1)
The Conversation
Gurcant: Blast! At this rate the crops will never be ready for harvest. If only we had blackloam... Just a bit could send our stalks soaring! I'll bet Rhotwyda knows where you might find some. Perhaps you might pay her a visit in the orchard?
A simple mission this one, but important for the success of the farm. Speak with Rhotwyda. You will find her down the hill, outside the walls of Summerford Farm. X 22.4 Y 17.7
Rhotwyda: That Gurcant's got a head of cabbage if he thinks I'm fetching him any blackloam! But if you dare to pinch some from the cookpot, then be my guest. Just mind you don't get trampled upon by the aurochs that dwell there.
Once you have three bushels' worth, take the blackloam to Pfrewahl at Tiller's Rest. He'll know what to do.
Okay, now I know this says Cookpot, but don't go running back to Summerford Farms to find the cook and steal his shit. That's not what it means. And yes, I did make that mistake when I first started playing...How can you make that mistake when you have a map and quest pointer at all times? Easy, you assume.
The cookpot is a place. It is a place with giant aurochs and a rather nasty fate if you are low level. Easy fate if you are high enough.
Head West over the bridge. You will come across a cliff in the shape of a circle. The entrance is at X 18.1 Y 17.4. The aurochs inside are easy enough to handle so long as you don't get surrounded and deal with them one at a time. Blackloam is basically their dung. You will need to collect three piles of the stuff.
Completing the Quest
Once you have the blackloam, leave the cookpot and head North East.
At X 21.4 Y 15.3 you will find Tiller's Rest. Pfrewahl will be leaning against a building when you arrive.
Pfrewahl: Argh, even the weeds wither and die in this desolate dirt.
Hand over the blackloam.
Pfrewahl: But a bit of this blackloam aught to change all that! I haven't seen any in ages. Gathering blackloam's not for the weak of will... Nor the weak of stomach, eh? Hahahaha!
...Oh, don't tell me Gurcant and Rhotwyda neglected to mention where blackloam comes from. We;;, surely you figured it out on your own from the cloying stench! It comes from the aurochs lair, of all places!
Ahem, well, why dwell on whom misled whom about what? What matters is that your efforts have brought us the blackloam, and we can expect a bountiful harvest as a result. Thank you!
To continue the MSQ speak again to Pfrewahl for the level 9 quest Plowshares to Swords.
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