To start. Speak with Pfrewahl at Tiller's Rest. (Middle La Noscea X 21.4 Y 15.3)
The Conversation
Pfrewahl: Confounded pirates! They know nothin' of tillin', only killin'! Stealin' our shovels to melt and forge into axes, of all things. They're bitin' the hand that feeds 'em, the mangy mongrels. I'd love to teach those curs a lesson in obedience myself, If I hadn't sworn to Staelwyrn that I wouldn't fight no more.
So I need you to bring back our farm tools, and make sure those dogs reap what they've sown!
Doing the Quest
You wouldn't have to travel far for this one. Turn away from Pfrewahl and cross the road. They are behind the rocks waiting for a good hiding.
You don't have to kill them all.
Be warned, these guys will agro on you and they often do so two at a time. If you are a low level, keep your distance and entice them over to you, do not run into the middle of the battle unless you are a high enough level (or got enough friends with you, to take it.
Note. If you are doing the arcanist hunting log, three of the guys you need to hunt are here.
As you start dishing out justice the game will tell you how many tools you've recovered. You need to recover three to continue the quest.
Once you have retrieved three farming tools from the pirates, turn back around and deliver them to Pfrewahl.
Pfrewahl: I wonder what those sea dogs will try and steal when there's no harvest!
Hand over the stolen tools.
Pfrewahl: Ah, good to see the tools back, and in serviceable condition. Which will be more then we can say of Sevrin when we get our hands on him. The wretch likely had a role in the theft. Spied him meetin' the pirates in secret, I did. I couldn't care less if the wastrel won't work, but when he consorts with cutpurses that take our tools away, he's crossed the line!
Staelwyrn ought to know what sort of scallywag he's dealin' with. Take word to him, would you?
Completing the Quest
Return to Staelwyrn. You should know where he is by now. Top of the hill, Summerford Farms, East of your position. He will have this to say:
Staelwyrn: Pirates makin' off with our tools? Pferwahl did well not to take matters into his own hands. Last thing I need is blood on my crops. But I'll be damned if Sevrin thinks he can take us for fools. His treachery won't go unpunished.
The MSQ quest will continue with Staelwyrn with the level 9 quest Just Deserts
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