To begin the quest "On to Summerford" you need to first speak to Baderon in the Drowning Wrench. Remember, the Drowning wrench can be found on the upper floors of Limsa Lominsa. (X 11.5 Y 11.1)
Speaking to Baderon
Still in Limsa, are ye, Melody> 'Ow'd ye fancy a trip outside the city walls?
I'd like ye to visit an orchard by the name o' Summerford Farms. Ever 'eard o' the place? The owner, Staelwyrn, is an old mate o' mine. 'E's got 'imself a crew o' mostly reformed pirate types, if ye can believe that, an 'as tryin' to bring a bit o' life back to the fields after the Calamity ruined the soil. 'E mentioned needin' another 'and or two an' yer name sprang to mind.
I gave yer a glowin' recommendation, so make sure ye work 'ard and impress the old bastard. Ye need directions? The place ain't 'ard to find: Just take the Zephyr gate out 'a the city and follow the road Northeast.
Getting to Summerford
It's time to go traveling.
First step is to find the Zephyr gate. The easiest way to do this is to use the nearest Aetheryte to teleport to the gate. (This option will only come up if you have all the aetherytes in the city. Visit this guide to find all the aetherytes. ) Alternatively head to the lower decks and you will find the Zephyr gate in the upper North East corner of the map. (X 11.9 Y 11.2)
Once outside you simply follow the road, up the hill and across the bridge. Follow the road a little further and Summerford farms is on your right. Head up the hill to meet Staelwyrn.
Before you talk to the ol' bastard, it is best to attune to the Aetheryte, lest you forget. Believe me, it is easy to forget when you are caught up in the game. Speaking to Staelwyrn will initiate the following conversation.

Ah, you must be the adventurer Baderon promised to send along. Melody Ozara, wasn't it?
You honoured his word, so that's a good start. I'm Staelwyrn, the "old Bastard" as Baderon likely described me, an' this here is my humble orchard.
A good number of the lads and lasses workin' here once terrorized the high seas. And if you're wonderin' why I employ these scrags, well, they used to crew my pirate ship. But the calamity did for our ship, like it did so many others, and I was sore wounded into the bargain.
I had to feed myself an' my crew somehow, and Admiral Merlwyb's initiative to get us landlocked buccaneers workin' the fields seemed to fine an offer to refuse.
Well, it turns out you can take the pirate away from the sea, but you can't take the sea away from the pirate. A lot of my blokes jus' never took to tendin' the soil, you see. And unfortunately, the botanists I called in to train 'em have been wringin' their hands in black despair. With so much work pilin' up I need a tougher soul like you to step in where it's needed.
End Quest?
Originally, back when I first played FFXIV, there was quite a bit more to this quest. You would spend a time running around helping out the botanists and the pirates, removing vermin from plants, gathering fruit, etc.
However, in the shortening of the Realm Reborn, these quests (and many other time consuming little ones) were removed to streamline the story. Now you finish this conversation and go straight on to another quest with Staelwryn. Continue this story with the Level 5 MSQ quest Dressed to Call.
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