To start. Speak with Staelwyrn at the top of the hill in Summerford Farms. (Middle La Noscea X 25.5 Y 17.0)
Dressed to Call
Staelwyrn: I've a mind to set you a task, Ozara, but before I do, I need to be sure you're properly kitted out.
Pirates don't care to parley with dandies, you understand. It might well be that the ones here have traded in their cutlasses for coulters, but they're still rogues at heart.
I know a solid set of gear when I see it. Come back when you think you're more suitably equipped.
To complete this quest you need to have equipped head, body, hands, legs and feet with gear of item level 5 or greater then speak to Staelwyrn again.
Getting Equipped
If you have been following along with this guide, you won't have changed gear yet. You will still be in starting gear . Now is the time to upgrade.
Now, unfortunalty the starting gear is not the nicest. You're gonna look like a plum for a while. And the nicest piece of equipment at this stage, a cloak, is not usable in this scenario as it prevents you from equipping head gear. In order to accomplish this mission you must have:
- 1 helmet (head gear)
- 1 suitable shirt (body gear)
- 1 suitable pair of trousers (leg gear)
- 1 set of gloves (hands gear)
- 1 pair of boots (feet gear)
The best place to equip all this is the markets back in Hawkers alley. Limsa Lominsa. So, make sure you have the aetheryte to make getting back here simple and use the return key to get back to Limsa.

Buying Gear
Of course, you don't have to buy gear. Side quests can be found all over the place and they will offer gear or gill as a reward. I always take the gil bags.
You will need gil in order to purchase your gear.
At this point, I am level 9, and it is likely you are at a similar level. This is due to the Realm Reborn being shortened and optimised. So, buy the gear that best suits your level and needs. Don't worry about accessories yet, though they will become a more needed thing in later game.
Iron Thunder hosts the shop you need to purchase gear. (Limsa Lominsa, Lower Decks, Hawkers' Alley X 8.1 Y 11.7)
Choose acording to your needs. Magic uses go into disciples of magic, sword and fighty object users will find what they need in the disciples of war section.
Here's the prices I paid for the goods, yours will be similar.
- Hempen Hat 113 gil
- Hempen Halfrobe 140 gil (remember the cowl will not work for this quest)
- Leather Ringbands 156 gil
- Hempen Gaskins 168 gil
- Leather Boots 224 gil
This is a grand total of 801 gil that you will need to be fully kitted out.
If you are short on gil, sell the items in your inventory. You will have passively picked up things like animal skins when fighting critters. You could also do some sidequests, fates, or hunting to add more gil to your purse. As the game continues you may even pic up a trade to sell awesome stuff that will make you a gillionnaire.
Return to Staelwyrn
Once you are properly equipped you should return to Staelwyrn to get his seal of approval. If you remembered to atttune to the aethreryte at summerford farms this is as simple as teleporting.
Use the teleport button on your joypad/keyboard and choose Middle La Noscea (Summerford Farms).
Note: It costs to teleport. This journey will cost 145gil. If you don't have the gil you need to either make the gil or walk there.
Stalwyrn is stood near the Summerford Farm aetheryte as always.
Staelwyrn: Let's have a look at you, shall we?
Oho! As long as you're this well covered, I won't feel any guilt throwin' you to the sharks.
Erstwhile buccaneers are an ornery lot. They rage in love for the sea, and care little for the laws of the land. But they respect strength, and by the looks of you, I daresay you'll have little trouble gettin' their attention.
The MSQ continues with the Level 5 Quest Lurkers in the Grotto.
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