H'naanza has a simple yet profitable task for an interested adventurer.
Quest Giver: H'naanza.
Quest Level: 3.
Location: X 10.6 Y 15.4, Limsa Lominsa.
Rewards: 240 exp, Leather Eyepatch or Hempen Hat or Allagan tin piece.
The Rats in the Wharf Conversation
H'naanza: Hmmm? Are you in need of some trifling task to pass the time? Then I have just the job for you.
Baderon is offering a reward to any adventurer who slays at least 5 wharf rats. There's no shortage of the pests lurking outside Tempest Gate, so you should hurry and take advantage of this opportunity.
Doing the Quest.
Follow the East path away from H'naanza and take the first left and then the next left to go through the Tempest Gate and find your quarry. You will find the rats straight on through the gate then on both sides of the path.
Kill five, then go visit Baderon at the Drowning Wrench.
Completing the Quest.
Go back through the Tempest Gates to get back onto the upper decks of Limsa Lominsa. Once in the city simply follow the main North path to get back to the Drowning Wrench and speak to Baderon.
Baderon: Ah, so ye slew a few rats! Good on ye, lass!
This bloke comes through the other day and plops this 'uge sack the size of a bleedin' goobbue on the counter. sayin' anyman what slays rats can 'ave somethin' from within. When I enquires as to why, all 'e says is the damn noise they make when scurryin' about is drivin' 'im insane. Ye ask me, though, 'e was already a bit touched. Somethin' tells me the poor lad will never find peace.
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