So, you've started in Limsa Lominsa. The first quest you will receive after dealing with the yellowjackets right off the ship is Close to Home. Each city state will have a quest like this one, it introduces you to the fundamentals of the city you are in. This means it will help you to find the main shops, aetherytes, and put you in contact with the guild associated with your starting class.
At this point in the game you can choose to wonder and pick up a few missions. These side quests are covered on an individual basis in the side quest section of this website.
To start the Close to Home Quest you need to speak again to Baderon. Unless you've had a wonder, you should still be here after doing the initial opening quest. If you have wondered you will find Baderon back at the drowning wench on the second floor of Limsa Lominsa, not far from the main aetheryte.
Baderons' Instructions
Baderon: Right, then. Let's start ye off nice an' easy with three tasks what'll 'elp ye get used to life 'ere in Limsa.
Firstly, if ye 'ead down a floor then point yer nose to the west, ye'll get an eyeful o' the great glowin' crystal in the middle o' the courtyard. That's an' aetheryte - a device what can move ye from one place to another in the blink of an eye. Ain't no swifter way to travel - providin' there's an aetheryte where ye want to go, o' course. 'Ave a chat with the yellowjacket on gaurd down there an' ye'll be treated to a lecture on the workin's of the device. 'Fore you do that, though, remember to touch the thing. Strange as it sounds, it won't work till ye 'ave.
Second on the list is the marketplace. Ye'll find weapons an' armour an' all yer 'venturin' bits an' pieces for sale in the district what lies beyond the aetheryte. Don't go throwin' yer gill around just yet, though, or ye'll get fleeced quicker'n ye can say why's me coin purse so light? 'Ave a word with Swozblaet, instead. 'E's the 'ead of the Merchants' League by the way. Give 'im this old octant an' 'e'll treat ye well.
Fer the last o' me 'elpful 'ints. I suggest ye meet some fellow spell slingers at the Arcanist Guild. I'll guarantee ye'll learn a few new tricks fer ye tome if ye decide to join their crew. Murie at the front desk is the one to get ye started.
Got all that, lass? Seein' to them three tasks will take ye on a little jaunt 'round the city, an' 'elp ye work out where everythin' is. Now, I've best be gettin' on. Run along, eh?
Bugger it! There I go sendin' ye off without tellin' ye sommat crucial. That bloody calamity's made a right mess o' me memory, I swear. Well, that or the ale... Anyroad, while yer out, if ye 'appen to pass any poor sods what look like they might need yer 'elp, consider givin' their tale o' woe a listen, eh? Sounds like a chore, I admit, but ye never know what interestin' opportunities could be lurkin' out there, just waitin' fer ye to stumble on 'em. Fer example, Niniya over yonder's been castin' glances at ye since ye waltzed in. Why not lend an ear an' see what she 'as to say? Aye, yer like to find yerself runnin' odd errands in the beginin', but once ye build a reputation as a woman folk can trust, the jobs'll get 'arder an' the rewards more generous.
If ye've the time, I'd also seek the advice o' the smith 'ere in the wrench. The lads that bear that title 'ave some fine advice fer them what're just startin' out in the profession. An' that, my girl, is 'ow ye go about becoming a legend among 'venturers.
To leave the drowning wrench you must accept the side quest Making a Name by speaking with Niniya. Visit the side quest blog with the same name to see how that story goes.

The Aetheryte
If you choose to do the side quest Making a Name you will finish in the vicinity of the aetheryte. You literally can't miss it. It's a giant blue crystal in a prominent place on the map. However, if you pick up the quest and decide to ignore it for now, then you are still in the Drowning Wrench.
There's two things you can do to get to the aetheryte. Use the lift or use the stairs.
You will find the lift on the left of Niniya being run by Skaenrael.
The stairs are on the right of Niniya. You go up the stairs then turn left to go down the stairs.
Whichever route you take you will find yourself downstairs in a room that has a giant white pillar in the centre. One exit has a giant blue crystal on the other side. You can't miss it. That's the route you want to take.
Go to the blue crystal, aetheryte, and interact with it. You will get a message on the screen saying you attune to the aetheryte. The moment the message appears you will be hailed by a yellowjacket and the following conversation will ensue.
Sundhimal: Ah, another novice adventurer. Aye, Baderon has sent more then a few of your kind this way of late. I am Sundhimal, one of the yellowjackets tasked with keeping the peace in this city. It is also my charge to provide guidance in the use of this device. Fear not, I shall be brief.
Aetherytes are crystalline structures that tap into Aetherial energies. They are primarily used as a means to travel swiftly from one place to another.
Return and Teleport - the most common transportation spells - make direct use of the aetherytes and their connection to the flow of aether. And as these devices are found in almost every corner of Eorzea, any adventurer worthy of the name will wish to seek out and attune herself to each one.
Once you have expanded your horizons beyond the walls of the city, you will soon find yourself performing the act of attunement as a matter of course. There is, however, no need for unseemly haste. The aetherytes found in and around the city will be sufficient for the present I assure you.
Should you wish to learn more about aetherytes or transportation magic, I will be here to answer your questions.
After fininshing this conversation you will have completed the first mission in the three quests Baderon gave you. However, you should also take the opportunity to attune to all the little aetherytes around Limsa Lominsa.
Mini Aetherytes
The little aetherytes around a city state allow you to instantly transport yourself to the more popular areas by interacting with either the large central aetheryte or the little ones scattered around.
In Limsa Lominsa you can find the little aetherytes in the following places:
- Hawker's Alley (X 7.0 Y 12.2)
- Arcanist's Guild (X4.6 Y 12.3)
- Fisherman's Guild (X7.6 Y14.9)
- Culinarian's Guild (X 10.0 Y 8.5)
- Marauder's Guild (X 11.1 Y 6.9)
- Aftcastle (X 11.5 Y 12.6)
Zephyr Gate and Tempest Gate also become available as soon as you've attuned to all these aetherytes.
Above, you will find an image of all the mini aetherytes in the Limsa Lominsa City state.

Discovering the Markets
The next mission that Baderon gave you was to talk to Swozblaet at the markets. He gave you a gift to soften the merchant up with before asking for advice. I wonder how many gifts Baderon has lost to this guy? Afterall, the yellowjacket at the Octant told us that Baderon has been sending many adventurers his way these days, the same must hold true for the Head of the Merchnts at the markets, right?
You will find Swozblaet surveying the markets at X 8.4 Y 11.6. Initiate a conversation with him and you will get the following:
A fine morning to you, madam! Welcome to the most replete marketplace in the grand realm of Eorzea, where every shelf groans under the weight of wonders borne from all four corners of the world!
Pray browse the stalls until your eyeballs ache from ogling the overabundance of unbelievable bargains! Now, as much as I love to elaborate upon the unrivalled quality of our merchandise, I must tend to some cargo but recently arrived at the docks -
Hm? You bear a gift from Baderon? Whatever could it - Ah! My octant! By the navigator, I must ahve left it behind in the Wrench- along with a weeks pay and several bells' worth of intoxicated memories!
Hand over the Octant.
I am most grateful to have it back! This tool is a keepsake from my days as a ship Captain, you see. Needless to say, your good dead must be repaid, and what better recompense then the wisdom of a master merchant?
If it is simple and sturdy adventuring equipment that you seek, you need look no further then the East and West arms of Hawkers Alley. Lest you doubt, each gil you invest in arms and armour will be money well spent. Adventuring is, after all, a dangerous profession by its very nature.
It goes without saying that Hawkers' Alley boasts stalls specializing in the tools of every martial discipline imaginable. And within but a few steps are bazaars and apothecaries that will most amply supply all your potion and perishable needs.
Our keen eyed agents procure a frankly befuddling range of wares during their sojourns to distant shores, so it pays to become familiar with the type - and price - of the goods offered by each stall.
Such knowledge will serve you well if your purse is light or your time is short.
Ah, but verbal instruction of this kind will only profit you so much. Experience has ever been the surest teacher - if not the kindest. I invite you to explore the markets for yourself.

Joining the Arcanist Guild.
Which guild you join at this level depends on what talent you have begun with. For instance, if you began as an archer your staring point would be Gridania and your first mission to speak to the Archers Guild. As I began the game as an arcanist, I am told to speak to the Arcanist guild. This does not mean that you cannot join other guilds, they are simply locked out until a later level.
To begin this quest, you will find the arcanists guild at X 4.5 Y 11.3. Speak to Murie, and she will say:
Welcome to the Arcanists' Guild. It is here that we research and develop the field of Arcania. Arcania is the science of employing "arcane geometries" - intricate patterns that map the unlocked mysteries of existence - to draw forth and manipulate the body's atheric energies.
Ah, but if I am not mistaken, you already possess some rudimentary understanding of the craft. Shall I deepen your knowledge of our history, as well?
The roads of arcania can be traced back to the esoteric calculations practiced by the people of the South Sea Isles. It was these island folks that first discovered a method to express natural phenomena in mathematical terms. Building on this process, the existing mathematical formulae were further developed into arcane geometries - precise patterns that allowed a practitioner to weave aether into specific magical effects. The mages who invoked this new form of magic became known as "arcanists", and the school of arcania was born.
Many such mages, wishing to expand their understanding of the world, took to the seas aboard trading vessels. Upon their arrival in Limsa Lominsa, arcanists found themselves welcomed into the academic elite, and soon secured positions in the realms of governance and counsel.
The knowledge of an arcanist, however, is traditionally passed on from master to chosen disciple. As such, Admiral Merlwyb, counting several weildiers of arcania among her personal staff, became concerned that this exclusionary practice would lead to the eventual extinction of the art.
So, at the Admiral's express orders, an official Arcanists' Guild was established, and funding was provided for research and training.
The complex and demanding nature of arcania, however, remains the greatest threat to its own future. If you would continue your study of this challenging discipline, then I must insist that you indicate your commitment to joining this guild.
Once she has finished this long-ass speech (or your counterpart has finished their long speeches for they all have one) you will need to speak to her again to indicate such commitment. You cannot continue the MSQ until you do so. Once you talk to her a second time she will continue with the following.
Well? Have you decided to enrol in our guild? Or are you now intimidated by the thought of excessive thinking?
Click Accept
Your sound judgement is to be commended. Now, standard practice dictates that I introduce you to our guild master that you might convey your intentions in person...
Due to extraordinary circumstance, however, he is... unreachable at present. Instead you may speak with Mistress Thubyrgeim. She has shouldered full responsibility for the guilds leadership in the interim. You will find her just over there, by the bookshelves. You needn't be shy - though her mind is sharp and critical, her manner is always most welcoming.
Turn your camera clockwise and you will see Mistress Thubyrgeim at the bookshelves perusing a book. Go and speak to her and you will have the following conversation:
Yes, I am Thubyrgeim. Greetings and welcome to the Arcanists Guild. As Murie has doubtlessly explained, I am serving as acting guild master until our wayward leader deigns to return. I assume our capable receptionist also spoke of our art's origins?
Allow me, then, to expound upon its nature. Arcania taps into the living energies of aether. The evidence of this is represented most aptly, perhaps, by our ability to manifest the arcane entity Carbuncle, and the manner of magic which this aetherical ally employs at our command.
The core of the discipline, however, is found in the pursuit of definitive solutions to ant potential quandary. Even on the field of battle - nay, especially on the field of battle - this principle takes precedence. If one wishes to make certain the question of victory, then one must apply the most effective strategy. An arcanist is measured by her ability to calmly analyse the situation from moment to moment, and respond with the most appropriate spells to hand.
The study of arcania will test your mental faculties to the point of perplexity. Are you prepared to reason your way through predicament after predicament?
Hit yes to continue on this quest.
An unambiguous response - the kind I most prefer. Let us now see if the clarity of your words is matched by the sharpness of your mind. In Lower La Noscea, you will find, among others , three species of pest: Wharf rats, little ladybugs, and aureliae. I ask that you employ your skill in arcanima to eradicate three of each type of creature.
Leave the city through the Tempest Gate, and you will soon encounter the potential targets in abundance. As long as you remain focussed. I do not foresee these opponents causing you or your budding abilities undue difficulty.
Once you return from completing this preliminary trial, I will welcome you as an official member of the Arcanists' Guild. May your judgement remain swift and clear.

You now have another mission to complete.
- Kill three Ladybugs
- Kill three Wharf Rats
- Kill three Aurelia
You do not need to complete this mission to complete close to home. However, completing it here streamlines things, so you may as well finish it up along with any other little missions that take your fancy before heading back to Baderon. It is for this reason that I am including the instructions for Way of the Arcanist in this section.
You need to leave via the Tempest gate to easily find all three. The Tempest gate can be found on Upper La Noscea at X11.7 and Y 14.6. Head through the gate to Lower La Noscea. Walk a short way forwards and you will find Ladybugs and Wharf Rats. Kill three of each.
The Aurelia is a little further in, head towards the water, go across Madman bridge and you will find a cluster of jellyfish type creatures. The Aurelia. Kill three then head back into town.
Speak to the Mistress of the Arcanist Guild and finish the quest before heading to Baderon to complete these initial quest.
When you get back to Thubyrgeim she will say the following:
I see the creatures beyond the city walls posed you little threat. It is with great pleasure, then, that I formally recognise your initiation into the guild. From this day forward you may proudly wear the title of "arcanist". I suggest you continue your forays into the wilderness, and keep the pages of your grimoire turning - there is no finer teacher than the harsh mistress of experience.
And to commemorate this occasion, I gift you with this hunting log.
The enemies marked within its pages have been specifically chosen to challenge your abilities in arcanima. when you devise a new strategy or tactic, you now have a ready source of opponents on which to test it.
And when you feel you can command Carbuncle as easily as you might move your own limbs, return to me for further instruction. I will be waiting.
The next quest will be available on reaching level five. If you remembered to wear the ring you was gifted at the start and done one or two other starter quests as you run around you will already be level five and able to start the next quest. If not, by doing a few little quests or by taking part in the hunting log you will quickly level up.
Continue the Arcanist with the quest What's in the Box. Level 5.
Return to Baderon
To finish up these initial quests you need to return to Baderon in the Drowning Wrench. X 11.5 Y 11.1
He will have the following to say:
Ah, there ye are, Melody. Enjoy your jaunt 'round the city, did ye?
If ye mean to base yerself in Limsa Lominsa, that won't be the last time ye visit them three places. An' now ye've got some idea o' what's where. ye can start explorin' the rest o' the town. Ye've shown a good ear fer listenin', lass. Stick with ol' Baderon, an ye'll go far.
Baderon will now have another MSQ available which continues under Limsa Lominsa MSQ Lvl 4 On to Summerford.
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