This quest you must do if you start in Limsa Lominsa. If you start in other city states it is available to do when you reach this area.
Making a Name
Quest Giver: Niniya.
Quest Level: 1.
Location: The Drowning Wrench, Limsa Lominsa.
Rewards: 50 exp, 10 Earth Shards, 2 Potions.
Description: Niniya, a veteran adventurer, has some information that might be of interest to you.
The Conversation
Niniya: Well, would you look at this - a shiny new adventurer. Listen close, lass, I've some information that might just help put you on the map here in Limsa. I was passing through Bulwark Hall below not long ago, and saw a bunch of herbs just scattered about on the ground. Now, I'm not entirely certain, but I think they might have been the black market herb known as dream flowers.
Limsa Lominsa is a busy port, and not all merchants that blow in across the strait are above board, if you know what I mean. How'd the plants end up in the Mizzenmast? Who knows - might have been a deal gone bad. The important thing is you make a name for yourself by handing them in.
Speak to Skaenrael, and she'll get you down to the first floor. Then all you have to do is pick up the herbs and take them to Aldskyf at the Octant. Being a worldly captain he knows a thing or two about shady goods.
Doing the Quest
Now, you can see Skaenrael not far from Niniya's table. Also known as the Lift Attendant. Speak to them and they will give you a lift downstairs. From exiting the lift you can instantly see the issue.
There's a trail of sparkleys called peculiar herbs on the floor. Click on each with your action button to interact with them and pick them up. You need to pick up six in total.
Once you've collected them you will see Aldskyf just up ahead.
Ending Conversation
Yes, I am Aldskyf. You have some herbs you wish me to examine?
Hand over the peculiar herbs you have collected.
...Yes. As you suspected, these are the highly illegal blooms known as dream flowers. They are the prime ingredient in the creation of sumnus - a substance who's fragrance is said to lull the sniffer's mind into the sleep of death.
...Forgive me. I could not resist the jest! These herbs are nought more then Althyk Lavender. A common enough export from Limsa Lominsa. In fact, these probably spilled from crates that were loaded onto my very own ship.
I think someone has been having a little fun with you miss. But not to worry! You've learned a few things and made a new acquaintance. Well Met!
If you return to Niniya to argue about the set up you will be disappointed as they only tell you about the drowning wrenh being a favourite of pirates. Let the slight go or nurse the grudge for all days, the choice is yours.
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