So You Want to be an Arcanist
To begin the Arcanist class you must visit the Arcanist Guild It can be found in Limsa Lominsa on the lower floors, south of the main Aetheryte. X 4.5 Y 11.3. To begin speak to Murie, and she will say:
(Note, if at any point this reads Alchemist guild... what can I say, I need a coffee. I think I fixed them all....)
Welcome to the Arcanists' Guild. It is here that we research and develop the field of Arcania. Arcania is the science of employing "arcane geometries" - intricate patterns that map the unlocked mysteries of existence - to draw forth and manipulate the body's atheric energies.
Ah, but if I am not mistaken, you already possess some rudimentary understanding of the craft. Shall I deepen your knowledge of our history, as well?
The roads of arcania can be traced back to the esoteric calculations practiced by the people of the South Sea Isles. It was these island folks that first discovered a method to express natural phenomena in mathematical terms. Building on this process, the existing mathematical formulae were further developed into arcane geometries - precise patterns that allowed a practitioner to weave aether into specific magical effects. The mages who invoked this new form of magic became known as "arcanists", and the school of arcania was born.
Many such mages, wishing to expand their understanding of the world, took to the seas aboard trading vessels. Upon their arrival in Limsa Lominsa, arcanists found themselves welcomed into the academic elite, and soon secured positions in the realms of governance and counsel.
The knowledge of an arcanist, however, is traditionally passed on from master to chosen disciple. As such, Admiral Merlwyb, counting several weildiers of arcania among her personal staff, became concerned that this exclusionary practice would lead to the eventual extinction of the art.
So, at the Admiral's express orders, an official Arcanists' Guild was established, and funding was provided for research and training.
The complex and demanding nature of arcania, however, remains the greatest threat to its own future. If you would continue your study of this challenging discipline, then I must insist that you indicate your commitment to joining this guild.
Once she has finished this long-ass speech (or your counterpart has finished their long speeches for they all have one) you will need to speak to her again to indicate such commitment. You cannot continue the MSQ until you do so. Once you talk to her a second time she will continue with the following.
Well? Have you decided to enrol in our guild? Or are you now intimidated by the thought of excessive thinking?
Click Accept
Your sound judgement is to be commended. Now, standard practice dictates that I introduce you to our guild master that you might convey your intentions in person...
Due to extraordinary circumstance, however, he is... unreachable at present. Instead you may speak with Mistress Thubyrgeim. She has shouldered full responsibility for the guilds leadership in the interim. You will find her just over there, by the bookshelves. You needn't be shy - though her mind is sharp and critical, her manner is always most welcoming.
Turn your camera clockwise and you will see Mistress Thubyrgeim at the bookshelves perusing a book. Go and speak to her and you will have the following conversation:
Yes, I am Thubyrgeim. Greetings and welcome to the Arcanists Guild. As Murie has doubtlessly explained, I am serving as acting guild master until our wayward leader deigns to return. I assume our capable receptionist also spoke of our art's origins?
Allow me, then, to expound upon its nature. Arcania taps into the living energies of aether. The evidence of this is represented most aptly, perhaps, by our ability to manifest the arcane entity Carbuncle, and the manner of magic which this aetherical ally employs at our command.
The core of the discipline, however, is found in the pursuit of definitive solutions to ant potential quandary. Even on the field of battle - nay, especially on the field of battle - this principle takes precedence. If one wishes to make certain the question of victory, then one must apply the most effective strategy. An arcanist is measured by her ability to calmly analyse the situation from moment to moment, and respond with the most appropriate spells to hand.
The study of arcania will test your mental faculties to the point of perplexity. Are you prepared to reason your way through predicament after predicament?
Hit yes to continue on this quest.
An unambiguous response - the kind I most prefer. Let us now see if the clarity of your words is matched by the sharpness of your mind. In Lower La Noscea, you will find, among others , three species of pest: Wharf rats, little ladybugs, and aureliae. I ask that you employ your skill in arcanima to eradicate three of each type of creature.
Leave the city through the Tempest Gate, and you will soon encounter the potential targets in abundance. As long as you remain focussed. I do not foresee these opponents causing you or your budding abilities undue difficulty.
Once you return from completing this preliminary trial, I will welcome you as an official member of the Arcanists' Guild. May your judgement remain swift and clear.

You have a mission to complete.
- Kill three Ladybugs
- Kill three Wharf Rats
- Kill three Aurelia
You need to leave via the Tempest gate to easily find all three. The Tempest gate can be found on Upper La Noscea at X11.7 and Y 14.6. Head through the gate to Lower La Noscea. Walk a short way forwards and you will find Ladybugs and Wharf Rats. Kill three of each.
The Aurelia is a little further in, head towards the water, go across Madman bridge and you will find a cluster of jellyfish type creatures. The Aurelia. Kill three then head back into town.
Speak to the Mistress of the Arcanist Guild and finish the quest before heading to Baderon to complete these initial quest.
When you get back to Thubyrgeim she will say the following:
I see the creatures beyond the city walls posed you little threat. It is with great pleasure, then, that I formally recognise your initiation into the guild. From this day forward you may proudly wear the title of "arcanist". I suggest you continue your forays into the wilderness, and keep the pages of your grimoire turning - there is no finer teacher than the harsh mistress of experience.
And to commemorate this occasion, I gift you with this hunting log.
The enemies marked within its pages have been specifically chosen to challenge your abilities in arcanima. when you devise a new strategy or tactic, you now have a ready source of opponents on which to test it.
And when you feel you can command Carbuncle as easily as you might move your own limbs, return to me for further instruction. I will be waiting.
The next quest will be available on reaching level five. If you remembered to wear the ring you was gifted at the start and done one or two other starter quests as you run around you will already be level five and able to start the next quest. If not, by doing a few little quests or by taking part in the hunting log you will quickly level up.
Continue the Arcanist with the quest What's in the Box. Level 5.
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