P'tahjha of Mealvaan's Gate needs help collecting duty on imported goods.
Quest Giver: P'tahjha
Quest Level: 1.
Location: X 4.4 Y 11.3, Limsa Lominsa.
Rewards: 50 exp, 5x potion, 5x ether.
Duty Calls Conversation
P'tahjha: Here at Maelvaan's Gate, we inspect all the goods that are imported into Limsa Lominsa, and collect duty as the law requires. Some merchants, however, seek to evade this obligation, and we must chase them down.
I would be grateful if you could deliver these two ledgers - one to a man names Sundhimal, whom you will find at the octant, and another to a woman name Latisha, who works at the Bismark. If you are uncertain as to the whereabouts of the Bismark, ask Sundhimal when you meet him and he will point you in the right direction.
Doing the Quest
Leave Mealvaan's Gate and run all the way back through Hawkers' Alley. Your first point of contact, Sundhimal, is on the left of the main Aetheryte.
Sundhimal: A ledger from Mealvaan's Gate, you say?
Hand over the Ledger.
Sundhimal: Yet more outstanding duty payments... When will those merchants ever learn? Very well, If I catch sight of any offenders, I shall drag them to the gate, kicking and screaming if needs be.
One more ledger bound for Bismark, you say? Follow this path to the upper decks and you'll find the place.
Completing the Quest
As he says, walk past him to the upper decks and you'll see the Bismark on your left. Walk in and you'll see Latisha behind the counter.
Latisha: Tax evaders among our patrons, you say? Goodness me...
Hand over the ledger.
Latisha: I dare say this may well put an end to their appetite, but this is in the best interests of the city-state. If any of the merchants named in this ledger come to dine with us, I shall see that Mealvaan's Gate is notified without delay.
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