Mordyn would like to make you a completely legal proposition.
Quest Giver: Mordyn.
Quest Level: 2.
Location: X 11.2 Y 7.9, Limsa Lominsa.
Rewards: 82 exp, 110 gill.
Licensed to Reave Conversation
Mordyn: Ye want fer coin, 'venturer? 'Ow'd ye fancy workin' fer the Kraken's Arms, one o' the greatest piratin' crews in Limsa? If yer interested, take yerself up these 'ere steps to the balcony above, an' talk to Carvallain, our cap'n. Do right by 'im an' e'll do right by ye.
Simple as heading up the stairs and speaking to the dashingly handsome pirate you see in our opening picture.
Carvallain: Greetings, friend, and welcome to the seventh sage, purveyors of the finest spices from the east. All of our products are guaranteed obtained through completely legal means. Oh, you do not seek spices, but employment? Well, then, let us speak of how you might be of service to our organization.
Our Misery returned from her latest voyage bearing exotic spices never before seen in Eorzea. I have prepared two samplers, each of which I would have you deliver to certain individuals.
The first is for Ginnade, whom you will find at the Coral Tower. The second is for master Lyngsath, the head chef of the Bismark. And do make certain the right person gets the right set. Go now, and return here once you have accomplished the task.
Doing the Quest
You have two completely legal parcels to deliver. The quickest way is to start by running North to the Coral Tower. Then use the Aetheryte to the Culinarians guild. From there you can use the aetheryte back to the Coral Tower to finish the quest quickly.
Step 1. The Coral Tower. Run North to these co-ordiantes X 11.2 Y 6.8
Ginnade is upon your immediate left after entering the building and going up some steps.
Ginnade: Welcome to the headquarters of the yellowjackets, the keepers of peace in Limsa Lominsa. Is there aught I can assist you with?
Hand over the sampler.
Ginnade: A sample of spice, courtesy of the seventh sage, you say? Hmmm... there is no mistake. This is Firesand, the kind used by the Garleans besides. Quite intriguing. Very well, we will consider placing an order.
Oh? You thought that you had brought me spice? I see you are not familiar with Carvallainisms. For the sake of convenience, he uses the word spice to refer to literally anything he has procured on the high seas.
Lest you worry, the man isn't engaged in any activity that is considered piracy. Far from it. Think of him as a trader - a heavilly armed one - who represents Lominsian interests in Eastern lands.
Step 2. Travel to the Culinarians guild by Aetheryte or foot. Destination X 10.1 Y 8.2.
Lyngsath: A new sample from the Seventh Sage? Alright, let's 'ave a whiff of it then.
Hand over the sampler.
Lyngsath: Hmmm... ain't smelled nothin' like it afore. The note that came with it says it's a root what grows on Othard. Last I 'eard Orthard was under Imperial Rule. 'Ow the seven 'ells did Carvallain manage to get 'old o' this?
Anyroad, I reckon I can cook up sommat fresh an' new with it. Thanks fer the delivery, friend.
Head back to Carvallain to finish the quest.
Finishing the Quest.
As I said before, the quickest way to get back is to use the aetheryte to the marauders guild, aka the Coral Tower, and travel south the Carvallains' place, the Seventh Sage.
Carvallain: Welcome back. It would seem both samples were rather well received, and this is in no small part due to our affable courier. 'Tis unfortunate, but notoriety accumulated over the course of years does not fade overnight. There are many still who are hesitant to do business with savage pirates.
Yet, the old days of piracy has past, giving way to a new wave of opportunity. My crew and I have decided to embrace this wave. With the Admirals blessing, we engage in a form of trade with the Garlean ships. Everything we do, you may rest assured, is within the law.
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