Ginnade seeks help with a growing problem in Limsa Lominsa.
Quest Giver: Ginnade.
Quest Level: 2.
Location: X 11.1 Y 6.4, Limsa Lominsa.
Rewards: 82 exp, 110 gill.
Lost and Found Conversation
Ginnade: An alarming number of citizens have gone missing of late, though I suspect you've already heard the rumours. It is essential that we ascertain their safety. To this end, I have prepared a list based on reports from our citizens. Would you be so kind as to deliver it to my colleague in Bulwark Hall? N'delika is her name. My thanks in advance, friend.
Finishing the Quest
This is a very simple delivery job. All you need to do is talk to N'delika in the Bulwark Hall. The quickest way there is to take the aetheryte to the main plazza. If you wish to head there on foot, start by going down to the lower decks, then head to the main aetheryte and go down the alley east of the aetheryte plazza. X 10.9 Y 11.2
N'delika: Welcome to Limsa Lominsa! If there's aught you would like to know, feel free too-
Hm? You've got something for me, you say? A missing persons list? I'm not sure I follow...
Hand over the list.
N'delika: (she continues in an undertone so no one else can hear.) Thanks for bringing the list - I'll be sure to memorize these names. If any of the missing persons reappear, you can count on me to spot them. Most folk enter the city via the Zephyr Drift, which means they must pass through Bulwark Hall. That's why I'm on constant watch here, and undercover so as to keep an eye out for suspicious activity. I've been doing this for so long, I've become a pretty good judge of character. If there're shady characters skulking about, you can rest assured I can pick them out. Heh heh heh.
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