N'tanmo needs help keeping the city a bright and cheery place.
Quest Giver: N'tanmo.
Quest Level: 2.
Location: X 11.0 Y 11.3, Limsa Lominsa.
Rewards: 82 exp, 110 gil, 5x potions.
I Stay the Streetlight Conversation
N'tanmo: Sounds like you're all ready in the yellowjackets good graces. You truly are a model adventurer, a paragon among your fellows! Um, do you think you could do me a favour?
You see, I'm supposed to go fill up all the streetlamps with oil so that they'll stay lit through the night. But thanks to this business of missing people, I can't simply up and leave my post.
If you could tend to the streetlamps in my stead, I'd be eternally grateful. Oh, and when you're finished, please fetch more oil from Sisipu in the Fisherman's Guild. We're running low here, and she has care of our stores.
Doing the Quest.
You have a trail of streetlamps to follow and interract with. Simply click on them and click on the oil in the same way you would when handing a person an item.
The streetlamps in question can be found in the following places:
- X 9.9 Y 11.5
- X 9.9 Y 12.2
- X 9.5 Y 12.8
- X 8.8 Y 13.8
- X 8.3 Y 14.4
- X 8.0 Y 14.0
- X 8.4 Y 14.5
Finishing the Quest.
Speak with Sisipu in the Fisherman's guild. Just continue to follow the path you were on when you were lighting all the lamps. X 7.8 Y 14.5.
Sisipu: ...You're doing what? <sigh> What am I to do with that girl? She has the nerve to ask me for work, twaddlin' tripe about her savings, only to foist it upon the first adventurer that comes along.!
Being young and pretty does not give you a license to shirk responsibility! Aye, she'll get her oil alright, and a piece of my mind to boot!
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