H'lahono needs help replenishing the Bismark's Larders.
Quest Giver: H'lahono
Quest Level: 3.
Location: X 9.8 Y 8.4, Limsa Lominsa.
Rewards: 240 exp, fingerless leather gloves lvl 5 or leather lightmits lvl 5, or Allagan bronze piece.
A Sheepish Request Conversation
H'lahono: Beg your pardons, good madam, but you are an adventurer, are you not?
I realize this is sudden, but we urgently need help restoking our larders. We are in the midst of preparing a full course meal for soon arriving guests, but I fear we are short on fresh lamb for the main course. I would be grateful if you could procure four slices for us. I daresay it would be quickest to obtain these directly from the source - wild lambs.
In case you are unfamiliar with the creatures, I suggest you speak with Abylfarr, a sentry stationed in Bulwark Hall, just below the drowning wrench.
Doing the Quest
Even if you are familiar with the creatures, you have no choice but to speak to Abylfarr before leaving town. Simply head downstairs then straight down the alley on your left. Abylfarr will be waiting at the bottom of the alley.
Abylfarr: The Bismark wants fresh lamb, does it? Gods, I could do with a slice myself, fresh off the grill and dripping in its own juices...
Sorry, friend, I haven't had a single bite to eat since my shift began. Anyroad, you can get lamb easy enough by hunting the lambs that graze outside the city. Go through Zephyr Gate and follow the path east and south for a bit. You'll run into the fluffy - and tasty - critters before long.
Run on past him to get through the Zephyr Gate and into Middle La Noscea. The lambs are up the hill, on your right.
Completing the Quest
Once the lamb has been harvested head straight back to the culinarians guild and H'lahono.
H'lahono: Have you had any luck obtaining the fresh lamb? Please hurry - the guests are arriving any moment now.
Hand over the lamb slices.
H'lahono: Four slices of fresh lamb, and right in the nick of time! Thank you ever so much!
'Tis times like these I feel fulfilled in my role. I used to be a chef myself, you see, but my skills weren't quite up to par. So when the Bismark expanded operations, I asked to be made provisioner instead. This way, I can still be part of the buisiness despite my shortcomings.
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