Latisha needs someone to report a Bilking Patron.
Quest Giver: Latisha
Quest Level: 2.
Location: X 10.0 Y 8.0, Limsa Lominsa.
Rewards: 82 exp, 110 gill.
A Thousand Words Conversation
Latisha: We spare no effort to ensure that all our patrons enjoy the finest food and hospitality. And so it is double hurtful when someone decides to leave without settling the bill. Nary a bell a go, a first-time patron did just that.
R'sushmo is the one who lovingly prepared the man's meal. She is quite upset by the whole affair, and has taken it upon herself to draw an illustration of the offender. Might I trouble you to deliver it to the yellowjackets on our behalf? R'sushmo should be done adding the finishing touches by now.
Doing the Quest
R'sushmo is up the stairs in the same building. She's hiding behind the guild master of the cooking guild searching for something among the shelves. Talk to her to continue the quest and she will have the following to say:
R'sushmo: Grr... I poured my heart and soul into that grilled dodo... If I ever get my hands on that scoundrel, I'll grind his bones to make my bread. Here it is, my rendition of the criminal! Please deliver to Godebert at the Coral Tower - he will know what to do!
The Coral Tower is the farthest point on the map for the Limsa Lominsa Upper decks. The quickest way there is by Aetheryte. Take the nearest Aetheryte to the Mauraders Guild which is housed inside the Coral Tower. This will teleport you to its doors. alternatively, you can run there. X 11.1 Y 6.8.
Godebert is sat at a desk inside the Coral Tower. Speak to him for the following conversation.
Godebert: A bilker at the Bismark, and you have an artists rendition of the man?
Hand over the drawing.
Godebert: Er... What in seven hells is this supposed to be? It looks more like the prow of a ship then a mans face!
Look, we would like nothing more than to bring the offender to justice - 'tis our duty after all. However, we will need a little bit more to go on then this piece of... art. It would be easiest for all involved if R'sushmo were to come here and answer some questions. Please relay to her as much.
Completing the Quest
Return to R'sushmo at the Bismark. Once again, the quickest method is by using the aetherytes. You want the aetheryte to the Culinarians Guild. Or you could run their. Your coordinates are X 10.2 Y 8.3.
R'sushmo: Ah, so you've spoken with Godebert? Bwahahaha! Within the bell, the yellowjackets will have that swindling scoundrel locked in a dungeon cell, and then I'll take my filleting knife and-
Huh? Godebert wants me to go to the Coral Tower for Questioning?!
But what more information does he want that my drawing doesn't already provide!? Isn't a picture supposed to paint a thousand words?!
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