Swozblaet, the master merchant of Hawkers' Alley, wants you to look into current market prices.
Quest Giver: Swozblaet
Quest Level: 1.
Location: X8.4 Y11.6, Limsa Lominsa.
Rewards: 50 exp, 10 earth shards.
The Right Price Conversation
Swozblaet: You, miss - adventurer. I have work for you. I would have you pose as a customer and survey the market's current prices. Surely I did not see you balk at so simple a task? All you need do is strike up a conversation with the shop owners, and glance over their wares.
There are three merchants that interest me: Iron Thunder, Kyokyoroon, and Syneyhil.
Write down all you see on this price list and hand it to Baensyng on West Hawkers' Alley. He shall reward you for your service.
Doing the Quest
Directly to your left you will find Iron Thunder (X 8.1 Y 11.7)
Iron Thunder: Well met, lass! Cast your peepers over these beauties! Not a spot of rust to be found! Every piece fresh from the forges at Naldiq & Vymelli's!
Head west through Hawkers' round and into West Hawkers' Alley. Kyokyorron will be on your immediate left after you walk through the arch. He is not in a stall. X 6.6 Y 12.1
Kyokyoroon: Kyokyoroon welcomes well-come customer! Kyokyoroon loves his lovely trade! Kyokyoroon's goods are goodly made!
Your next shopkeeper is the middle stall on the right hand side of the Alley. X 6.3 Y 12.0
Syneyhil: A fine evening to you, miss. What can I interest you in t- why, you seem interested in most everything, don't you? Is this another one of those investigations? Well, I have nothing to hide!
He was a smart one.
Completing the Quest
Continue on through the Alley and you will find Baensyng standing near the exit.
Baensyng: Yer the one what made a list for Swozblaet? Let's 'ave it then.
Hand over the list.
Baensyng: Mmm, nothin' wrong with the markets, far as I can tell. Ye ofttimes get pirates sellin' stolen goods at cutthroat prices, an' that drives the numbers down right across 'Awkers' Alley. Thanks to these reports though, we can tell at a glance when shady dealin's are takin' place. Good work, lass.
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