Ahldskyf, captain of the trading ship Orion, has some information that might benefit your standing as an adventurer.
Quest Giver: Ahldskyf
Quest Level: 1.
Location: X 9.9 Y 11.1, Limsa Lominsa.
Rewards: 50 exp, 10 fire shards, 10 grade 1 dark matter.
Suspiciously Sober Conversation
Ahldskyf: By way of thanks for delivering my scattered lavender, I have a nugget of information that may prove useful to you. You see, I was recently approached by an unkempt Seafarer - which is not, I admit, particularly unusual for a man in my profession. What was unusual was that he offered a generous sum of gil to be introduced to any adventurers I might know. In my experience sailors are not known to carry such wealth of coin about their person, especially with the alehouses of Limsa Lominsa so close at hand. Kidnappings have not been uncommon these past moons... I suggest you take this information and speak with Glazreal, the gaurd who stands at the entrance to East Hawkers' Alley. It never hurts to show a spirit of cooperation to the authorities lass.
Doing the Quest.
Follow the path West to the other side of the Aetheryte Plazza. There you will find a guard in yellow with the name Glazeal. He will have the following to say.
Glazreal: That is disturbing news. Your initiative is appreciated, adventurer. I'll have the captain place the yellow jackets on high alert. Ah, and while I have your ear, I need you to visit Frydwyb and tell her the same thing you told me. You'll find her a bit further down East Hawkers' Alley. Frydwyb has frequent dealings with adventurers, so any warning you give her should soon spread through the city.
Completing the Quest.
Continue West through East Hawkers' Alley and make a sharp right half way down the corridor. Here you will meet Frydwyb behind a counter. talk to her to complete the quest.
Frydwyb: Greetings, miss, might I interest you in the services of a retainer. What's this? Some suspicious seafarer is on the prowl for gullible adventurers? A possible suspect in the recent kidnappings, you think? Well, I'll be sure to pass on that warning to customers. What with all the merchants and travellers milling through Hawkers' Alley, these kind of unsavoury activities can often go unnoticed. In any case, I promise to keep a sharp lookout for anyone being accosted by strange-looking sailors.
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