To start, speak with Baderon, Limsa Lominsa, the Drowning Wrench, X 11.5 Y 11.1
The Conversation
Baderon: 'Ow do ye fare, Melody? Rested and ready to expand yer 'orizons? Well, then, I've an idea o' where ye might try 'eadin' next. 'Ave ye 'eard o' the Skylift out in Middle La Noscea?
If ye've ever visited Woad Whisper Canyon, then ye must've been up and down the thing at least once. It's that big bleedin' scaffoldin' attached to the Descent. Ye've likely seen the lads and lasses out there usin' it to 'aul cargo up the cliff face. 'Ard labor, that, and I 'ear they could use an enterprisin' soul to pick up the odd jobs what no other bugger 'as time to deal with.
Track down the 'ead of the operation - bloke by the name o' Wyrkrhit - and 'e'll be sure to put ye to work on a task or two.
Doing the Quest
We need to get to the Skylift. You are indeed familiar with the place. Sevrin took his men on the scaffold at it's base when he attempted to sell them out to the Reavers.
This quest is simple. Head to Summerford farms, then head west to the Skylift. And find Wyrkrhit, he's at the bottom.
Completing the Quest
Once you have located Wyrkrhit (X 15.8 Y 16.4) speak to him.
Wyrkrhit:Baderon sent ye out here, did he? Then consider yerself welcome at the Skylift.
Look at that bloody cliff, will ye? One blast o' fiery hell from that huge dragon was all it took to split the ground in half. Cargo still needs to get through, though, so this mess o' wood an' pulleys was our solution to the problem. Well, one o' 'em, at least. If the Gods were kind - an' they ain't - I'd have about a dozen more workers to handle me growin' list o' headaches...
The story continues with the next Level 11 quest Thanks a Million.
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